Cooking for my Family

Why I should cook for the whole family and let everyone else relax. Everyone could spend more family time and relax together and my parents would get a break from cooking. I would get a chance to practice my reading and math skills by cooking with recipes. I would make a delicious meal. These are some of the reasons why I should cook for the family.

Everyone could spend more family time and relax together and my parents would get a break from cooking. If everyone relaxed I would have more time to make a yummy meal. My parents would get a chance to talk with each other while I am busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. Dinner time would be a great time for the family. If everyone relaxed together while I was cooking they would have time to share their day.

 I would get a chance to practice my reading and math skills by reading recipes. My reading would improve by cooking with recipes. It would teach me how to make a really, really, really, really big meal. I would use math skills to measure the ingredients. My grades would improve by cooking for my family.

 I would make a delicious meal. I would use healthy produce from our garden. Everyone would love to eat the meal. We can sit outside and enjoy nature and being together as we eat.

I would make our favourite dishes. You guys could relax and enjoy eating a good meal. We could all have fun and stay up late. I would even clean up after we eat. I think I should cook by myself.


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